Tuesday 31 January 2017

animation planning

my attempt at aperture

 this image  is a small f-stop number

 this image  is a  big  f-stop number    this image  is  small F-stop number  this image  is a big  F-stop number  this image is a big f-stop number

Thursday 26 January 2017


The smaller the F-stop number the bigger the gap that the lens makes to let the light in. the smaller the number there will only be one thing in focus and everything in the background will be blurred this would be a shallow depth of field
The bigger the F-stop number the smaller the gap the lens makes to let the light in the smaller the number there will be the whole picture in focus rather than just one part of the image.
Above are a couple examples of aperture

macro and minatures 2 mike simpson


I like the way mike places his figures in the photos , when he does this he gives of the effect that they are real people in real situation he focuses the camera close enough so that it looks real enough I'm going to be inspired by these images and take some of my own

these are the ones i tried myself in the style of mike simpson  i really like the way i have done it i have placed the figures in places and positions that real people would be in i think we have made them look life size however we could have made them look a bit bigger

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Macro and minatures

I like these photos , and the way the artist does it because it focuses on the figure but it also focuses on the background too which is really good this is what my work will be inspired by

here are my examples of the macro and miniatures  i really like the way i have done this and i have been completely inspired by the artist above  i have focused more on in taking the photos in weird places 

Thursday 12 January 2017



The flinstones animation 
The story is about the man wants to do sports he goes out in his little rock car and first of all he plays bowling he thinks he is very good  and he thinks he as got fans he came first and he got a trophy then he had a party to celebrate with all his friends and family .

The piece was created using small rocks to create the cars and buildings and small figurines used for the characters small rags for there clothes  they took series of photos at different angles  to give more 
effect . using different camera shots  and angles gives it more effect because you can see it from other 
peoples perspective which is good

I think the animation is successful because it has a good storyline to it and actually tells story it was also successful because thy used different camera shots and angles i would improve the animation by maybe putting some voiceovers to it so it has a better story and the people can talk i think that would make it better 

When i do my own i will use the information by being inspired to use different backdrops and clothing i will also make sure to use different camera shots to make it more efficient 

shot type and angle


this is the close up

    this is the long shot 

this is the deep focus

this is the over the shoulder shot

this is the mid shot

this is the abve angle

this is the two shot

Tuesday 10 January 2017


The Rule of Thirds is perhaps the most well-known ‘rule’ of photographic composition.
The “Rule of Thirds” one of the first things that budding digital photographers learn about in classes on photography and rightly so as it is the basis for well balanced and interesting shots.
I will say right up front however that rules are meant to be broken and ignoring this one doesn’t mean your images are necessarily unbalanced or uninteresting. However a wise person once told me that if you intend to break a rule you should always learn it first to make sure your breaking of it is all the more effective!

here are some examples of when they use the rule of thirds  they use guidelines and split there images into thirds 
this is my  image using the rule of third I'm happy with how it has turned out and think it has turned out well i definitely thin k i have used the rule of thirds efficiently .